Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/261

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A-D. 1542-3]

never from henceforth to be kept or holden at Rather Gowey; any former Act or other thing to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.

119. Item, It is further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the King's Most Royal Majesty shall and may, at all Times hereafter from Time to Time, change, add, alter, order, minish and reform all manner of Things afore rehearsed, as to his most excellent Wisdom and Discretion shall be thought convenient; and also to make Laws and Ordinances for the common Wealth and good Quiet of his said Dominion of Wales and his Subjects of the same, from Time to Time, at his Majesty's Pleasure; any Thing contained in this Act, or in the said Act made for the said Shire-ground of Wales, or any other Act or Acts, Thing or Things, to the contrary thereof heretofore made in any wise notwithstanding.

120. And that all such Alterations of the Premisses, or any Part thereof, and all such Laws and Ordinances to be hereafter made, devised and published by Authority of this Act, by the King's Majesty, in writing under his Highness Great Seal, shall be of as good Strength, Virtue and Effect, as if they had been had and made by Authority of Parliament.

121. Item, Be it further enacted and ordained by Authority aforesaid, That where the King's Majesty that now is, by his Letters Patents bearing date the first day of May in the 34th Year of his most prosperous Reign, demised and granted to William Webbe, the subsidy and usage of all woollen cloths made or to be made in the County of Monmouth, and in the twelve Shires of Wales, that is to say, in the County of Brecknock, Radnor, Montgomery, Caermarthen, Glamorgan, Pembroke, Cardigan, Anglesey, Flint, Denbigh, Caernarvan and Merioneth, and in all and singular Towns and other Places whatsoever they be, within the Precincts and Limits of the said Counties, and elsewhere within the Dominion of Wales; to have and hold to the said William Webbe and his Assigns, for certain Years yet enduring, that the said William Webbe his Deputies and Assigns, shall have from henceforth full Power and Authority, by Force of this Act, to take for the sealing of every woollen cloth hereafter to be made in the said twelve Shires, and elsewhere within the said Dominion of Wales, as hereafter is declared, and none otherwise; that is to say, for every whole piece of Frieze, 1d. every half piece of Frieze ob. every piece of Cotton and Lining being 24 yards and under, ob. and for every Piece of the same being above