Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/265

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A.D. 1543]

made; any thing in this Act to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.

A.D. 1543]
35 Henry 8, c. 11.

An Act for the due Payment of the Fees and Wages of Knights and Burgesses for the Parliament in WALES.

Where the Knights of all and every Shire of this Realm of England and Wales and the Burgesses of all Cities, Towns and Boroughs of the same be named elected and chosen for their assembly in the King's High Court of Parliament, as by ancient laudable laws and customs of this Realm hath been used and accustomed at and by the King's Majesty's high commandments, unto the which Knights and Burgesses their fees and wages be assigned certainly, that is to say, to every Knight by the day 4/- unto every Citizen Burgess by the day 2/- or more as heretofore hath been accustomed accounting for the same so many days as the said High Court of Parliament endureth with addition thereunto of so many days as every such Knight and Burgess may reasonably journey and resort from their habitations or dwelling places to the said High Court of Parliament and from the said High Court to return to their habitations or dwelling places, together with their costs of writs and other ordinary fees and charges; which wages fees and charges at all times ought to be levied and collected by the Sheriffs and by the Mayors Bailiffs and other head officers of and in the Cities Boroughs and Towns aforesaid, wherein some of the said Sheriffs Mayors Bailiffs and other head officers have been negligent and laches nor endeavouring themselves in accomplishment of their duties in collection and payment of the same in due form and according to Justice to the great injury and delay of the King's said subjects; Be it therefore enacted by the authority of this present Parliament that the Sheriff for the time being of every of the twelve Shires in Wales and in the County of Monmouth from the beginning of this present Parliament shall have full power and authority by force of this Act to gather and levy or cause to be gathered and levied the said Knight's fees and wages of the inhabitants of the said 12 Shires and of the said County of Monmouth which ought to pay the same; and the same so gathered shall pay or cause to be paid to every such Knight or