Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/269

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A.D. 1547]

Exigents, and directed out of any of the said Courts into London against any Persons dwelling in any other Shire where the King's Writ is current, according to the Order and Form of the said Statute made in the sixth Year of the said late King, to be directed to such of the aforesaid Sheriffs of any of the aforesaid Counties in Wales, and of the Counties Palatine of Chester, and of the City of Chester for the Time being, where it shall happen the said Defendant, against whom any such Action shall be sued as is aforesaid, to be dwelling: And that every such Writ of Proclamation shall have the same Teste and Day of Return, as the Exigents whereupon every such Writ of Proclamation shall be awarded shall have; and that every such Sheriff to whom any such Writ of Proclamation shall be directed, shall make Proclamation of the said Writ of Proclamation according to the Tenor of the same, and shall make true Return of the same in such Court, and before such Justices as the Tenor of the same Writ shall require and demand. And that all Outlawries hereafter to be promulged or pronounced against any Person or Persons upon any such Exigent or Exigents awarded against any Person or Persons dwelling in any of the said Counties of Wales, Counties Palatine of Chester and the City of Chester, and no Writ of Proclamation awarded in Form abovesaid to the Sheriff or Sheriffs of the County where the Party Defendant shall be as is abovesaid dwelling, or not returned, to be clearly void and of none Effect or Force in the Law.

3. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all and every Sheriff and Sheriffs of every of the said Counties of Wales, and of the Counties Palatine of Chester, and of the City of Chester aforesaid, shall have in every of the said Courts of the King's Bench, and of the Common Place one sufificient Deputy at the least to receive all Writs directed to such Sheriff or Sheriffs for whom the same Deputy or Deputies shall be appointed, in like Manner or Form, and upon like Pains, as by the former Statutes and Laws of this Realm, other Sheriffs of other Shires or Counties within this Realm of England be bounden to have in either of the same Courts, And that all Writs of Proclamation aforesaid shall be delivered unto every such Deputy of Record in the same Courts; and also like Fees shall be paid for making every such Writ of Proclamation, and for enrolling the same of Record, as is limited in the said Statute made in the said sixth Year of the Reign of our said late Sovereign Lord King Henry the Eighth.