Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/276

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[A.D. 1562

Carnarvon, and Flint in North Wales; but that the inhabitants thereof and every of them may receive lade and discharge according to their old ancient use customs or liberties granted to them or any of their predecessors by the late King of famous memory King Henry the Eighth, or any of his progenitors; so that they and every of them pay the customs and subsidies that shall be due, and discharge and load within the times and hours before mentioned; anything in this present Act to the contrary notwithstanding.

A.D. 1562]
5 Elizabeth, c. 5, s. 31.

An Act touching certain Politique Constitutions made for the maintenance of the Navy.

Provided also, that it shall and may be lawful to and for any person or persons being strangers born, to bring yearly in any ship, vessel or bottom, whereof any stranger or strangers born is or shall be owner or owners, into the havens, ports and towns of Cardiff Carnarvon Beaumarris and other havens, ports and towns in South Wales and North Wales, or any of them, and into the haven, port and town of Newport in the said county of Monmouth, any of the said wines made in any of the said dominions or countries belonging to the said Crown of France, over and besides all Rochell Wines heretofore in this act allowed to be brought; and in and at the same ports and towns, or any of them, to discharge the said wines so to be brought; so that there be not brought and discharged by the same strangers in any such strangers ships, bottoms or vessels in any one year in or at the said havens, ports and towns, or any of them, above one hundred tons at the most; this act or anything therein contained to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.

A.D. 1562]
5 Elizabeth, c. 23, s. 6.

An Act for the due Execution of the Writ de Excommunicato Capiendo.

6. Provided always, that in Wales, the counties palatines of Lancaster, Chester, Durham and Ely, and in the cinque ports, being jurisdictions and places exempt, where the queen's majesty's