Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/283

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A.D. 1566]

in the Year One thousand five hundred sixty and six, at all Times of Communion declare or read the Epistle and Gospel of the Day in the Welsh Tongue, to his or their Parishioners in every of the said Churches and Chapels; and also once every Week at the least, shall read or declare to their said Parishioners in the said Churches the Lord's Prayer, the Articles of the Christian Faith, the Ten Commandments, and the Litany, as they are set forth in the English Tongue, in the said Welsh Tongue, with such other Part of the Common Prayer and Divine Service as shall be appointed by the Bishop of the Diocese for the Time being.

3. And one Book containing the Bible, and one other Book of Common Prayer, in the English Tongue, shall be bought and had in every Church thoughout Wales in which the Bible and Book of Common Prayer in Welsh is to be had by Force of this Act (if there be none already) before the first Day of March which shall be in the Year of our Lord God One thousand five hundred sixty six; and the same Books to remain in such convenient Places within the said Churches, that such as understand them may resort at all convenient Times to read and peruse the same; and also such as do not understand the said Language, may by conferring both Tongues together, the sooner attain to the Knowledge of the English Tongue; any Thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding.

A.D. 1566]
8 Elizabeth, c. 20.
An Act for the Repeal of a Branch of a Statute made 26 Henry 8 touching Trial of Offences in the County of Merioneth in North Wales.

Where in the Parliament holden at Westminster in the 26th year of the Reign of our late King Henry the Eighth, amongst other Things it was enacted. That all Murders Robberies Felonies and other felonious Offences which should from that time be committed in any Lordships Marchers or other Place in Wales, might be inquired of, heard, tried and examined in the next English Shire thereunto adjoining; and also by one other Branch contained in the Statute it is ordained that such of the same Offences as should be committed within the County of Merioneth, one of the Three Old Shires of North Wales, might at the Discretion of the Justices there, be inquired of, heard tried and determined in the Counties