Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/294

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[A.D. 1605

Vernon Esquires or their Heirs or Assigns, for or concerning any Fine levied or Recovery suffered by or against the said Lord Powys, of any Baronies Honours Manors Lands Tenements or Hereditaments in the County of Montgomery, or any Exemplification thereof, or for or concerning any Writ of Error brought or to be brought for the reversing of any such Fine or Recovery; but that they and every of them shall have and enjoy the same Right Title Benefit and Advantage to all Intents and Purposes as if this Act had never been had or made.

12. And forasmuch as upon great Examination it appeareth that divers Fines and Recoveries have been heretofore levied and suffered, of divers Castles Manors Messuages, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments which sometime were the Inheritance of George sometime Earl of Kent, Great Grandfather to Henry now Earl of Kent, in Use Possession Reversion or Remainder, whereunto the said now Earl of Kent pretendeth Title in Use Possession Reversion or Remainder, which if they be erroneous, as is pretended, do much vary from the general Cause and Mischief for which this Statute meaneth to provide: Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That neither this Statute nor any Thing therein contained shall extend to take away any Writ of Error whereunto any person or persons is now or hereafter shall be lawfully entitled to have for the reversing of the said Fines and Recoveries or any of them heretofore levied or suffered of any of the said Castles Manors Messuages Lands Tenements or Hereditaments which late were any part or parcel of the Inheritance of the said George sometime Earl of Kent in Use Possession Reversion or Remainder; Any Thing in this Statute contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

A.D. 1605]
3 James 1, c. 17.

An Act concerning Welsh Cottons.

Whereas in a Statute made at the first Session of Parliament holden at Westminster in the first year of his Majesty's Reign, amongst other things it was provided and enacted, "That no person or persons should incur any penalty for want of length breadth or weight of Welsh Cottons under the price of Fifteen Pence the yard and Two Shillings the goade so as they be not mixed with Hair or other deceitful stuff, nor for any other above that price, except