Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/300

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[A.D. 1640-1

it is ordained, That no Congregations be made or suffered to be made by the Welshmen but as in the said Statute is appointed: And one other Statute made in the same year, concerning sending and bringing Merchandise and Armour into Wales; And one other Statute made in the same year, concerning Welshmen not having of Castle Fortress or House of Defence to keep; And one other Statute made in the same year, That Welshmen shall not be made Justice Chamberlain nor have certain other Offices in the said Statute mentioned; And one other Statute made in the same year, concerning storing of the Castles and Towns in Wales with English; And one other Statute made in the same year, That Englishmen marrying Welsh Women shall not be put in Offices, and every Clause of the said Statute made in the said fourth year; And one Statute made in the ninth year of the Reign of the said late King Henry 4, concerning Felonies and Robberies done within any Seigniory of South Wales; And so much of one Statute made in the five and twentieth year of the Reign of the late King Henry 6 as concerneth the confirming of Statutes made before that time against Welshmen and making void grants of Franchise made to Welshmen, and concerning Villains in Wales; . . . shall be by virtue of this Act repealed.

A.D. 1 640-1]
16 Charles 1, c. 10, ss. 4, 9.
An Act for Regulating the Privy Council and for taking away the Star Chamber jurisdiction exercised before the Council in WALES.

4. And be it likewise enacted. That the like Jurisdiction now used and exercised in the Court before the President and Council in the Marches of Wales and also in the Court before the President and Council established in the Northern parts And also in the Court commonly called the Court of the Duchy of Lancaster held &c. ... shall from the said first day of August One thousand six hundred forty and one be also repealed and absolutely revoked and made void. Any Law &c. to the contrary thereof and any wise notwithstanding And that from henceforth no Court Council or place of Judicature shall be erected ordained constituted or appointed within this Realm of England or Dominion of Wales which shall have, use or exercise the same or the like jurisdiction as is or