Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/311

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A.D. 1649]

such person or persons so to be vested or settled, be recommended and approved of for the work of the ministry, according to the tenor and true meaning of this; Act: and that this Act shall continue and be in force for the space of three years, from the Five-and-twentieth day of March, One thousand six hundred and fifty, and no longer.

"Die Veneris, 22 Februarii, 1649. Ordered by the Parliament, that this Act be forthwith printed and published."

A.D. 1649]
Commonwealth Statute.

An Act for the admitting of the Six Counties of NORTH WALES TO A General Composition for their Delinquency.

Whereas the five Counties of North Wales; viz:—Montgomery, Denbigh, Flint, Merioneth and Carnarvon, with the Island of Anglesey, have been for many years together, since the beginning of these late Wars, wholly under the power of the late King's Army and Forces; by reason whereof many well affected persons to the Parliament within the said Counties have been forced through compulsion or fear, for the avoiding of present ruin to themselves and families, to comply with the said Forces in unwarrantable acts and engagements, whereby they are become involved in a general guilt and defection from the Parliament and the authority thereof: The Commons of England assembled in Parliament (at the humble and earnest Request of divers of the Inhabitants of the said Counties) taking the same into serious consideration, and being willing that some distinction may be made between such persons as have been eminently active in the raising and promoting of the said War and those that were moved by constraint or fear to a compliance with the Enemy being under their power and are now resolved to adhere to the Interest of this Commonwealth, as it is now established; and being likewise willing that such money as is by any Ordinance or Order of Parliament charged upon the Estates of new Delinquents in North Wales, and payable to persons well affected to the Parliament, and to the present Constitution of this Commonwealth should be paid accordingly. Do Declare and Ordain, and be it Ordained and Enacted by this present Parliament and the Authority of the same, that the Inhabitants of the said five Counties of North Wales, viz:—Montgomery, Denbigh, Flint,