Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/321

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A.D. 1667]

Tongue is commonly used, in the British or Welsh Tongue, in such Manner and Form as is prescribed according to the Book hereunto annexed to be used in the English Tongue, differing nothing in any Order or Form from the said English Book; for which Book, so translated and imprinted, the Church-wardens of every the said Parishes shall out of the Parish Money in their Hands for the Use of the respective Churches, and be allowed the same on their Account; and that the said Bishops and their Successors, or any Three of them at the least, shall set and appoint the Price for which the said Book shall be sold: And one other Book of Common Prayer in the English Tongue shall be bought and had in every Church throughout Wales, in which the Book of Common Prayer in Welsh is to be had by Force of this Act, before the first Day of May One thousand six hundred sixty and four, and the same Books to remain in such convenient Places within the said Churches, that such as understand them may resort at all convenient Times to read and peruse the same, and also such as do not understand the said Language, may by conferring both Tongues together, the sooner attain to the Knowledge of the English Tongue; any Thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding: And until printed Copies of the said Book so to be translated may be had and provided, the Form of Common Prayer established by Parliament before the making of this Act, shall be used as formerly in such Parts of Wales where the English Tongue is not commonly understood.

A.D. 1667]
19 Charles 2, c. 5.

An Act extending Replevins and Avowries to the Principality OF WALES.

Whereas by an Act of Parliament, intituled. An Act for the more speedy and effectual Proceeding upon Distresses and Avowries for Rents, Provision is made where any Plaintiff shall be non-suit before Issue joined in any Suit or Replevin by Plaint or Writ lawfully returned, removed, or depending in any of the King's Courts at Westminster; be it enacted, that the said Act and all the Powers and Provisions thereby made for Causes of Replevins depending in his Majesty's Courts of Westminster shall be extended and be of the same force and efficacy in all Causes of Replevin which are or shall