Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/354

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[A.D. 1809

shall be stayed upon or by any Writ of False Judgment, for the reversing of any Judgment given in any County Court in Wales, unless the Person or Persons who shall prosecute the said Writ be first bound, unto the Party or Parties for whom the said Judgment shall have been given, in a Recognizance with two sufficient Sureties, such as the Sheriff in the said Court shall approve and allow, in the Sum of £10(except when the Sum adjudged for Costs and Damages shall exceed the Sum of £10, and in such Case, in double the Sum so adjudged) to prosecute the said Writ with Effect, and also to pay and satisfy, if the said Judgment be affirmed, or the Damages awarded for the Delay of Execution; the acknowledgment of which Recognizance the said Sheriff is hereby authorised and required to take and file amongst the Proceedings of his said Court; and for the caption and filing thereof the Sum of one Shilling, and no more, shall be paid to the said Sheriff by the Person or Persons who shall prosecute the said Writ; And in case of a Breach of the Condition of such Recognizance the Conuzee or Conuzees thereof may have and maintain an Action of Debt on the same, in any of his Majesty's Courts of Record in Wales, against the Conuzors, or either of them, to recover all and singular the Damages and Costs in the said Recognizance mentioned.

A.D. 1809]
49 George 3, c. 127, s. 5.

An Act for further augmenting the Salaries of the Justices in the Great Sessions in Wales.

5. And be it further enacted, That from and after the passing of this Act, there shall also be issued, paid, and payable out of and charged and chargeable upon the said Consolidated Fund ... in augmentation of their respective Salaries and Profits, and over and above any Sums of Money to which they may be entitled under any Act now in force, the several annual Sums hereinafter mentioned; that is to say, to the Chief Justice of Chester, and to the second Justice of Chester, and to each of the Justices of the Great Sessions for the Counties of Wales, the Sum of Four Hundred Pounds.