Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/359

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A.D. 1824]

shall be paid: Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall be deemed or taken to prevent any of the said Courts of Great Sessions from granting any new Trial, or setting aside any Nonsuit, or entering a Nonsuit, or altering a Verdict, according to any Rule established therein.

4. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the said Court, to which such Applications shall be made, or any Commissioner appointed to take Affidavits therein, to administer an Oath to any Person or Persons making an Affidavit either to obtain such Rule, or show Cause against the same as aforesaid; and every Person or Persons forswearing him, her, or themselves in such Affidavit or Affidavits, shall incur and be liable to the same Penalties as if such Affidavit or Affidavits had been made and sworn in an Action depending in the said Court: Provided always, that nothing in this Act contained shall extend or be construed to extend to stay or delay the entering up Judgment which shall have been given or obtained in any Action in any of the said Courts of Great Sessions, and suing out Execution thereon, unless the Party or Parties intending to apply under the Provisions of this Act for a new Trial thereof, or for Alteration of the Verdict, or entering or setting aside a Nonsuit, with Two sufficient Sureties, such as the Court of Great Sessions wherein such Action shall be depending shall allow of, shall first before such Stay made be bound unto the Party or Parties for whom such Verdict or Nonsuit shall have been given or obtained, by Recognizance to be acknowledged in the same Court, in such reasonable Sum as the same Court of Great Sessions shall think fit, to make and prosecute such Application for such new Trial or Alteration of Verdict, or entering or setting aside a Nonsuit, and also to satisfy and pay, if such Application shall be refused, all and singular the Debts, Damages, and Costs adjudged and to be adjudged in consequence of the said Verdict, or Nonsuit, in the said Court of Great Sessions, and all Costs and Damages to be also awarded for the delaying of Execution thereon; and upon such Recognizance being entered into, the said Court of Great Sessions is hereby authorized to stay all Proceedings in such Action: And further, that the entering up of Judgment, in any of the said Courts of Great Sessions, in any Writ of Dower or Action of Ejectment, and suing out Execution thereon, shall not be stayed, unless the Party or Parties intending to apply for a new Trial, or to alter the Verdict or enter or set aside