Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/361

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A.D. 1824]

at the Election of the Party or Parties obtaining such Judgment, his, her, or their Attorney, who shall sue out the same; and that the Sheriffs (to whom any such Writ of Execution, or bailable Writ issued out of the said Courts, returnable in the Vacation, shall be delivered) shall make due Returns of such Writs at the Time the same shall be returnable, and file such Writs and Returns with the proper Officer of such Courts, or as soon afterwards as such Sheriff shall be called upon by a Rule of the same Courts.

7. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid. That from and after the passing of this Act it shall and may be lawful to and for the respective Prothonotaries of the said Courts, or such other Officers as the Judges of the said Courts respectively shall appoint, to grant Rules for the Sheriffs in the Vacation to return such Writs of Execution and bailable Processes as shall be returnable in the Vacation, in such Manner and under such Regulations as the said Justice of the said Court shall appoint for that Purpose; and in case any Sheriff shall refuse or decline to return any Writ within Six Days after the Service of such Rule on him or his Deputy, such Sheriff shall be in the like Contempt, and answerable in the same Manner as if such Rule had been made by the said Judges at Sessions.

8. And be it further enacted, That after the passing of this Act it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Prothonotaries, or such other Officer as aforesaid, to grant Rules in the Vacation for a Particular of the Plaintiff's Demand, and of Defendant's Set-off, and for Leave to plead several Matters, or to pay Money in Stay of Proceedings, or to sign Judgment for Want of a Plea, in any Action depending in the said Court, under such Regulations as the said Judges shall appoint for that Purpose.

9. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That from and after the passing of this Act it shall and may be lawful for the Judges of the said Courts of Great Sessions respectively, and the Judges of such Courts are hereby authorized and empowered, to issue Commissions to Persons resident out of the Jurisdiction of such Courts, for the Purpose of taking Answers, Examinations, and Affidavits, and for the Examinations of Witnesses in Causes in Equity, and also for the taking of Affidavits and the Examination of Witnesses at Law, in such Manner and in such Cases as the said Court of Exchequer has been used to issue the same, as Occasion shall require, and of administering Oaths to the Persons putting in