Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/376

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[A.D. 1830

reserving sufficient to pay all former Charges thereon, but in preference to any Charge hereafter to be made,) to Thomas Jervis Esquire, now One of His Majesty's Justices of the Chester Circuit, the Sum of One thousand and fifteen Pounds Twelve Shillings; to Jonathan Paine, Esquire, now His Majesty's Chief Justice of the North Wales Circuit, the Sum of One thousand Pounds; and to Robert Matthew Casberd, Esquire, One of His Majesty's Judges of the Brecon Circuit, the Sum of One thousand Pounds; the said several Sums to be payable and paid, free and clear from all Taxes and Deductions whatsoever, by even Portions, on the Fifth Days of January, April, and July, and the Tenth Day of October, in each Year, the first Payment thereof to commence and be made on the first of such Days as shall occur after the Commencement of this Act; and the said Annuities respectively to continue during the Lives of the Parties respectively entitled to receive the same, or until such Time as they may respectively be appointed by His Majesty to any other Place or Office the Salary or Emoluments of which shall be of equal or greater Amount than the said Annuities respectively, or in case the Salary or Emolument of such Office shall be of less yearly Amount than the Annuity which the Party appointed to such Office is entitled by this Act to receive, then the said Annuity to be abated and reduced in proportion to the Amount of such Salary or Emoluments, so as to make the whole Sum received by the Party equal to, but not exceeding, the Amount of such Annuity.

25. And be it further enacted, That there shall in like Manner, after the Commencement of this Act, be issued, paid, and payable out of and charged upon the said Consolidated Fund, (after paying and reserving as aforesaid, and with such Preference as aforesaid,) to the several Persons having a Freehold Interest in such Offices in the County of Chester or Principality of Wales as shall be abolished or affected by virtue of this Act, free and clear of all Taxes and Deductions whatsoever, such Sums of Money, at such Times, by way of Annuity or otherwise, as shall be adjudged and determined to be due to such Persons respectively by any Commission to be appointed by His Majesty or by virtue of any Act of Parliament, for the Purpose of determining the Amount of the Compensation that ought to be due and payable in such Cases; and that in the meantime and until Compensation shall be awarded and determined in manner aforesaid, or the Time shall have elapsed that may be