Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/379

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A.D. 1830]

appoint such other Trustee or Trustees as they shall think fit, by any Writing under their Hands, in place of the former Judge or Judges; which Trustee or Trustees so named shall have the same Power and Authority, and be subject to the same Rules and Duties, as the Trustee or Trustees for whom he or they may be substituted.

32. And be it further enacted, That where by any Law, Charter, or Usage any Corporate or other Officer or Person hath been accustomed or sought to take any Oath before any of the Judges or other Officers or in any of the Courts abolished by this Act, such Officer or Person may and shall take the same Oath before any Judge during the Assizes or in open Court at the Quarter Sessions in the County where such Oath was formerly taken, and such Oath being so taken shall have the same Force and Effect to all Intents and Purposes as if taken before any of the Judges or in any of the Courts abolished by this Act.

33. And whereas it is expedient that the Accounts of the Sheriffs of the County of Chester and Principality of Wales should be passed, as nearly as Circumstances will admit, in the same Manner as heretofore; be it enacted, That the Clerk of Assize, within Ten Days after the Conclusion of the Assizes in the County of Chester and in each County in Wales, shall make out a Roll containing the Names and Places of Residence of all Persons liable to the Payment of any Fines, Issues, Amercements, Recognizances, Compositions, or other Sums imposed or forfeited during the preceding Assizes, with the Sums set opposite to each Name, and shall forthwith transmit the same to the Sheriff, with an order upon the Sheriff, signed in the Name of One of the Judges of Assize, directing the Sheriff to cause such Sums to be levied and recovered from the Parties liable to pay the same, which Order shall be of the same Force and Efficacy, and be returnable to the same Person or Persons, as any Writ or Process heretofore issued to the Sheriff for the like Purpose; and the Sheriff, upon the Receipt thereof, shall proceed to levy the Sums in the said Roll mentioned, and shall be accountable for the same, and all Arrears thereof, in the same Manner, at the same Time, and to the same Officer, and shall pass his Accounts before the same Officer or Officers, as he hath been heretofore accustomed.

34. And be it further enacted, That the several Persons holding and exercising within the several Counties of Chester and Wales the Office of His Majesty's Attorney General shall, until His