Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/403

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A.D. 1888]

relating to the election of members to serve in Parliament, shall extend to the Counties Palatine, to the county of Westmoreland, and each county in Wales in the same manner in all respects as to other counties in England, and the respective sheriffs of the above-mentioned counties, shall have the like powers, duties, jurisdiction, and liabilities, as the sheriff of any other county in England."

A.D. 1887]
50 and 51 Victoria, c. 58, s. 39, ss. 1.

Coal Mines Regulation Act.


(1) A Secretary of State may from time to time appoint any fit persons to be inspectors (under whatever title he may from time to time fix) of mines, and assign them their duties, and may award them such salaries as the Treasury may approve, and may remove any such inspector: Provided always, that in the appointment of inspectors of mines in Wales and Monmouthshire, among candidates otherwise equally qualified, persons having a knowledge of the Welsh language shall be preferred.

A.D. 1888]
51 and 52 Victoria, c. 41, s. 13.

Local Government Act.

(1) After the appointed day no county road rate shall be levied, and tolls shall cease to be taken on any road maintained and repaired by a county roads board in South Wales, in pursuance of the South Wales Turnpike Trusts Act, 1844, and the Acts amending the same, and after such day the Highways and Locomotives (Amendment) Act, 1878, as amended by this Act, shall apply to every county in South Wales as if the highway districts in that county had been constituted under the Highway Act, 1862, and the Highway Act, 1864, or one of those Acts, and shall apply to every such road as above-mentioned, in like manner as if it were ceasing, within the meaning of the said Act, to be a turnpike road.

(2) On the appointed day every county roads board and district roads board in each county shall cease to exist, and the property, debts, and liabilities of any such board shall be transferred to the