Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/411

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A.D. 1889]

expression "county council" includes the council of a county borough.

(2) Any sums payable by the council of a county borough in pursuance of this Act shall be paid out of the borough fund or borough rate.

17. In this Act unless there is something in the context inconsistent herewith—

The expression "intermediate education" means a course of education which does not consist chiefly of elementary instruction in reading, writing, and arithmetic, but which includes instruction in Latin, Greek, the Welsh and English language and literature, modern languages, mathematics, natural and applied science, or in some of such studies, and generally in the higher branches of knowledge, but nothing in this Act shall prevent the establishment of scholaships in higher or other elementary schools;

The expression "technical education" includes instruction in —

(i.) Any of the branches of science and art with respect to which grants are for the time being made by the Department of Science and Art;

(ii.) The use of tools, and modelling in clay, wood, or other material;

(iii.) Commercial arithmetic, commercial geography, book-keeping, and shorthand;

(iv.) Any other subject applicable to the purposes of agriculture, industries, trade, or commercial life and practice, which may be specified in a scheme, or proposals for a scheme, of a joint education committee as a form of instruction suited to the needs of the district; but it shall not include teaching the practice of any trade, or industry, or employment.

The expression "Endowed Schools Acts" means the Endowed Schools Acts, 1869, 1873, and 1874;

The expression "Education Department" means the Lords of the Committee of Her Majesty's Privy Council on Education;

The expression "Charity Commissioners" means the Charity Commissoners for England and Wales;

The expression "scholarship" includes exhibition or other educational enolument;

The expression "parent" includes guardian and every person who is liable to maintain or has the actual custody of a child;