Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/423

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Abjuration of the realm, 9, xxxiv
Accomptants, process against, 105
Acts of Parliament, Wales included in England in, 206, 239, 280, xcviii
Affidavits, power to take, 215
Amendment of records, or processes of outlawry not to extend to Wales, 39, 40
Amerciaments, see Fines and
Amobragium (Amobr), 27, xli
Anglesey, estreats of fines, fee to clerks of the peace and justices of the peace, 69
land of, division of, 3
merchandise, &c., proviso for landing in, 143-144
offences committed in Merionethshire, to be tried in, 62
repealed, 151-152
Sessions, Courts of Great, twice a year in, 102
Archdeacons, in Welsh dioceses, to restore the jurisdiction of the, 252, cxv, cxvi
Archery, Welsh, lxxxiii
Armour, for the having of horse, and weapon in Wales, 143, lxxxiii
Welshmen forbidden to carry, 31, 35, 56, 57, xlvi, liv
Arrest, process to be in English language, 205, xcvii
Arthel, casting, into Courts or Lordship Marchers prohibited, 57, liv
Assache, oath of three hundred men, proviso respecting, 38
Assizes in Wales established, 242, 243, cxi
Associates of Justices, authority and appointment of, 155
Attaint, juror in, qualification of, 126
Attornies, proviso for, of Court of Great Sessions, 24
Auditor, sheriff to account before, 64, 203
Aulnager, 130
Avowries, extending replevins and, to Wales, 189


Bail, provisions as to, in Wales, 196, 217
Bailiffs of Commotes, appointment and duties of, 3, xxxii
Bailiffs of Hundreds, appointed by sheriffs, to attend on justices, 117