Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/426

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Chamberlain, authority and duty of, as to judicial seals, 105
of South Wales, 50, 1
Chancery and Exchequer, King to have, in Wales, 81, lxi
Chester, justice of, 102
seal for justices of peace and gaol delivery in, to serve for Flint, 104
Circuits, cryer and marshal on, 110, lxvii
of Courts of Great Sessions, 102, lxvi
Clergy, benefit of, 64, l, lv
Clergy Convicted, directions as to, 64, lv
Clergyman conversant with Welsh language to be licensed for London, 262, cxvi
not conversant with Welsh language not to be appointed to any benefice in Wales, 251, 253, cxiii
Clerk of the Crown, proviso for, 93
Clerk of the Peace, allowances to, 69
fees of, 114
Cloths, for folding of, in North Wales, 97, lxv
for the free trade of Welsh, 162, 163, lxxxviii
for the true making of, 99, 167, lxv
monopoly of manufacture of, in Wales, 129
Coin, counterfeiting, &c., tried in next English county, 58, 120
Collections forbidden, 57, liv
Common Mainprize, return of suspected persons under, 119
Common of Pasture, disseisin of, 10
Common Prayer, Book of, Bishops to translate into Welsh, 150, 188, lxxxiv
expense of printing borne equally between parson and parishioners, 150
to be in English and Welsh in every church in Wales, 151, 188, xciii
Commonwealth, statutes passed in, 169-188, lxxxix
Commorth not to be levied, 34, 57
Commotes, appointment and duties of bailiffs of, 3, xxxiv
division into, xxxiii
persons residing in, to attend sheriff's turn, 5, xxxiii
Congregations, as to, in Wales, 34
Constables, proviso for, of King's castles, 117
Constables of Hundreds, who shall be, 117
Contracts, actions upon, 20
Convicts, purgation of, in Wales, 64
Coroner, appointment, duty and election of, 3, 4, 8, 116
Corporate Towns, issues in, how tried, 106
King dissolving and erecting new, 106
Cottons, for the true making of, and frizes, 99
how made, 99
length and breadth of Welsh, want of, in what case no penalty, 167
seal of Welsh, not requisite, 162
searching and trying of Welsh, how far requisite, 162
Council of Wales, see Court of President and Council in the Marches of Wales
Counties of Wales, see Shires