Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/428

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Dioceses, bishops of Welsh, to make provision for English services in Wales, 267, cxvii
suspending preferments in the, of St. Asaph and Bangor, 257, 258, 264, cxv, cxvii
appointments in Welsh, of Welsh-speaking clergymen, 253, cxiii
Ecclesiastical duties in Welsh, 270
Distresses, to prevent undue, in Wales, 46
Divine Service, Bible and, translated into Welsh, 149, 188
Provision for, in London in Welsh language, 262
Dower, allowed, 24, xxxvi


Ecclesiastical Duties, definition of, in Welsh dioceses, 253, 270
Education, Intermediate and Technical, 272, 280, 281, cxxii
Edward 1, legislation of, xxviii, xxxix, xl
Edward 2, ordinances of, xli
England, laws of, to be observed, 82
Wales included under, 206, 239, 280, xcviii
Englishmen, excesses by the Welsh on, 31
Married to Welsh women not to have office in Wales, 36
Not to be convicted by Welshmen in Wales, 33, 34
To keep castles in Wales, 36
English Tongue, proceedings in, in Courts of Justice, 87, 206
Escheators, authority, nomination, oath, and qualification of, 116, lxviii
Established Church, legislation for, in Wales, cxii
Estates, Welshmen to enjoy, transferred to them by Statute of Uses, 72, lvii
Estreats of Fines in Wales, 68, 69
Exactions, forbidden, 57
Exchequer, King's, in Wales, 68
Excommunicato Capiendo, writs of, 145
Execution, done in Wales on attainder of Welshmen in England, 32
Exigents and Proclamations, 135, lxxxi


Factory inspectors to know Welsh, 281
False Judgments, reversal of, 128, 221
Fee Farm Rents in Wales, 190
Fees in County and Hundred Courts, 117,
regulated by the President and Council and Justices, 119
Felons, compromise with, not to be without privity of President and Council 125
Felony committed in Wales to be tried in the next English county, 58, 120
disclaimer of, abolished, 37
Fine for, not allowed, 58, 120
Satisfaction to be made in South Wales, 37
Welshmen attainted of in England, 32