Page:The statutes of Wales (1908).djvu/438

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Sheriffs, oath of, 202
returning issues upon juries de circumstantibus, 146
shall appoint deputies, 137
to make hailiffs of hundreds, 117
Sheriffs Court, trials in, 4, 5, 117
Sheriffs Turns, holding of, 5, 118, xxxiii
King to have all fines in, 118
offences inquired of in, 5
proceedings on presentments, 7
Sheriffwicks, grants of, for life, void, 97
Shires, Commission for dividing, into hundreds, 89, lxiii
hundreds in, to stand, 102
Wales divided into, 3, 77, 101, lx, lxvi
Shire Towns, giving the King authority to allot the, 93
Snowdon, land and justices of, 2, 3, xxxii
South Wales, customs of, 27
felons to be taken, 37
Special Juries, 214, 215
St. Asaph, Archdeaconry of, separated from Bishopric, 260
Bishopric of, continued, 265
limits defined, 265
diocese of, appointments in, suspended, 257
St, Davids, canons in, 254, 259
incomes of dignitaries in, 256
property of, vested in Ecclesiastical Commission, 255, 256
rights and titles in diocese of, 254
Staples of England, merchants of Wales may go to the, 30
Star Chamber, taking away the jurisdiction before the Council of Wales, 168
Statute of Uses, Welshmen to enjoy estates transferred to them by the, 72, lvii
Statutes against Welshmen confirmed, 45
Wales included where England mentioned in, 206, 239, 280, xcviii
Statute of Rhuddlan or Rothelan, xxxi
Statutum Walliae (Statute of Wales), 2, xxviii
copies in Welsh and Latin to be kept, xxxvii
Stewards of Lordships not to inquire of felony, 106
Stolen Goods, 126
Suits against Englishmen, 33
removed from one county to another, where determined, 124
Sunday, to prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquors on, in Wales, 269
Surety, clerks convict to find, for good abearing, 65
Suspected persons, return of, 87, 119
Swansea, representation of, 249


Tales de Circumstantibus, 145, lxxxiv
Talesmen, qualification of, 192
Tallage on change of lords, paid according to Welsh customs, 127