1542. Gaetano sees the Sandwich Islands.
1543. Ortez de Retis discovers New Guinea.
1544. Sebastian Munster's Cosmographia.
1549. Bareto and Homera explore the lower Zambesi.
1553. Sir Hugh Willoughby attempts the North-East Passage past North Cape, and sights Novaya Zemlya.
1554. Richard Chancellor, Willoughby's pilot, reaches Archangel, and travels overland to Moscow.
1556-72. Antonio Laperis' atlas published at Rome.
1558. Anthony Jenkinson travels from Moscow to Bokhara.
1567. Alvaro Mendaiia discovers Solomon Islands.
1572. Juan Fernandez discovers his island, and St. Felix and St. Ambrose Islands.
1573. Abraham Ortelius' Teatrum Orbis Terrarum.
1576. Martin Frobisher discovers his bay.
1577-79. Francis Drake circumnavigates the globe, and explores the west coast of North America.
1579. Yermak Timovief seizes Sibir, on the Irtish.
1580. Dutch settle in Guiana.
1586. John Davis sails through his strait, and reaches lat. 72° N.
1590. Battel visits the lower Congo.
1592. The Molyneux globe.
1592. Juan de Fuca imagines he has discovered an im. mense sea in the north-west of North America.
1596. William Barentz discovers Spitzbergen, and reaches lat. 80° N.
1596. Payz traverses the Horn of Africa, and visits the source of the Blue Nile.
1598, Mendana discovers Marquesas Islands.
1598. Hakluyt publishes his Principal Navigations.
1599, Houtman reaches Achin, in Sumatra.
1603. Stephen Bennett re-discovers Cherry Island, 74.13° N.
1605. Louis Vaes de Torres discovers his strait.
1606. Quiros discovers Tahiti and north-east coast of Australia.
1608. Champlain discovers Lake Ontario.
1609. Henry Hudson discovers his river.
1610. Hudson passes through his strait into his bay.
1611. Jan Mayen discovers his island.
1615. Lemaire rounds Cape Horn (Hoorn), and sees New Britain.