1743-44. La Condamine explores the Amazon.
1745-61. Bourguignon d'Anville produces his maps.
1761-67. Carsten Niebuhr surveys Arabia.
1764. John Byron surveys the Falkland Islands.
1767. First appearance of the Nautical Almanac.
1765. Harrison perfects the chronometer.
1768. Carteret discovers Pitcairn Island, and sails through St. George's Channel, between New Britain and New Ireland.
1768-71. Cook's first voyage; discovers New Zealand and east coast of Australia; passes through Torres Strait.
1769-71. Hearne traces river Coppermine.
1769-71. James Bruce re-discovers the source of the Blue Nile in Abyssinia.
1770. Liakhoff discovers the New Siberian Islands.
1771-72. Pallas surveys West and South Siberia.
1776-79. Cook's third voyage; surveys North-West Passage; discovers Owhyhee (Hawaii), where he was killed.
1785-88. La Pérouse survey north-east coast of Asia and Japan, discovers Saghalien, and completes delimitation of the ocean.
1785-94. Billings surveys East Siberia.
1787-88. Lesseps surveys Kamtschatka and crosses the Old World from east to west.
1788. The African Association founded.
1789-93. Mackenzie discovers his river, and first crosses North America.
1792. Vancouver explores his island.
1793. Browne reaches Darfur, and reports the existence of the White Nile.
1796. Mungo Park reaches the Niger.
1796. Lacerda explores Mozambique.
1797. Bass discovers his strait.
1799-1804. Alexander von Humboldt explores South America.
1804-4. Lewis and Clarke explore the basin of the Missouri.
1800-4. Flinders coasts south coast of Australia.
1805-7. Pike explores the country between the sources of the Mississippi and the Red River.
1810-29. Malte-Brun publishes his Géographie Universelle.
1814. Evans discovers Lachlan and Macquarie rivers.
1816. Captain Smith discovers South Shetland Isles.
1817-20. Spix and Martins explore Brazil.
1817. First edition of Stieler's atlas.