Malacca seizad by Portuguese, 94.
Maldives discovered, 94.
Mandeville, See Maundeville, Sir John.
Mappi mundi of Fra Mauro, 70, 88.
Maps invented by Anaximander, 21.
Marco Polo. See Polo, Marco.
Markets, first, 76.
Marquette, explorations of, 135.
Marseilles, 19.
Maundeville, Sir John, 47, 65.
Mauro, Fra, mappi mundi of, 70, 88.
Medes, 35.
Mediterranean Sea, 23.
Megasthenes, 25, 38.
Mexico, 58; conquered by Cortes, 128; resources of, 132.
Middle Ages, the, commerce of, 80; geography in, 43; travel in, 63.
Mississippi River, 135.
Moero, Lake, discovered, 160.
Mohammedans, 54.
Moluccas. See Spice Islands.
Mongol Empire, 63.
Monsters, geographical, 46.
Montezuma, 128.
Nachtigall, African explorer, 158.
Nansen, Dr. Fridjof, Arctic explorer, 182.
Nares, Sir George, Arctic explorer, 180.
Nearchus, 25.
Necho, 18.
Nestorian Church, spread of, 72.
Netherlands. See Holland.
New Amsterdam, 134. See New York.
Newfoundland, 58; rediscovered by Cabot, 120; settlement of, 121; fisheries of, 133.
New Guinea discovered, 141.
New Hebrides discovered, 141.
New Netherlands, 134.
New Orleans founded, 135.
New South Wales, 147.
New York, 121, 134.
New Zealand, 143, 147.
Niger, River, 24, 72, 154, 157.
Nile, 23, 24, 33, 153, 1S5, 159.
Nordenskiold, Baron, 60; explorations in the Arctic regions, 180.
Normandy, 57.
Normans, 57.
Norsemen, 49.
North-East Passage, 120, 122, 123, 169, 180.
North-West Passage, 129, 148, 169, 170.
Norway, 57.
Nova Scotia, settled, 134.
Nova Zembla, 170.
Nyassa, Lake, discovered, 159.
Odoric of Pordenone, Friar, Archbishop of Pekin, 65.
Okkodai, son of Chinchiz Khan, 63.
Orellana, Francisco de, explores the Amazon, 131.
Pacific Ocean, discovered, 128; named, 114.
Paradise, terrestrial, 46.
Park, Mungo, African explorer, 154, 157.
Parry, W. E., Arctic explorer, 170.
Parthia, 37.
Payba, Aflfonso de, Portuguese explorer. 89.
Peabody, Arctic explorer, 180.
Peary, Lieutenant, Arctic explorations of, 182, 184, 185.
Pekin (Khanbalig), 65.
Penn, William, 134.
Persia, 23, 35, 36, 37.
Peru, conquered by Pizarro, 130; resources of, 132.
Peutinger Table, 50.
Philip of Macedon, 37.
Philippines, discovery of, 96, 114.
Phœnicians, discoveries of the, 17, 39; commerce of, 77.
Pigmies, 18, 24, 165.
Pinto, Major Serpo, explorations in Africa, 163, 166.
Pinzon, Vincenta Yanez, discovers Amazon, 108.
Pizarro, Francisco, explorations of, 128, 130.