Page:The story of the flute (IA storyofflute1914fitz).djvu/192

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Story of the Flute

at the devil's words, "Shake the casements," he gives them a rapid staccato descending passage. The dying

Sullivan, Golden Legend. "Shake the casements."

\new Staff \with {midiInstrument = "flute"} \relative c'' {
  \time 6/8
  \tempo "Allegro"
  <d' ces'>16\staccato\ff <cis bes'>\staccato <bis a'>\staccato 
      <cis bes'>\staccato <ais g'>\staccato <b aes'>\staccato
    <g e'!>\staccato <aes f'>\staccato <f! d'>\staccato
      <d b'!>\staccato <cis ais'>\staccato <d b'>\staccato
  <aes' f'>\staccato <g e'>\staccato <ges ees'>\staccato
      <f d'>\staccato <e des'>\staccato <ees c'>\staccato
    <b' d>\staccato <bes des>\staccato <a c>\staccato
      <aes b>\staccato <g bes>\staccato <ges a>\staccato
  <f aes>8\staccato

away of the storm is portrayed by chromatic passages, gradually descending from the C♯ in altissimo, on the flutes. In the sixth scene there is the long passage for

Sullivan, Golden Legend, Sc. vi.

\new GrandStaff <<
  \new Staff = "top" \with {midiInstrument = "flute"} \relative c'' {
    \key des \major
    \time 3/4
    \tempo "Andante tranquillo"
    \ottava #1
    << {aes''2.\p} \\ {aes,2~ aes16 f' des ees} >>
    << {aes2 aes8. ges16} \\ {f ees aes, c des4~ des8. c16} >>
    << {f[ ees des c]} \\ {des8[ aes]} >> <aes des>16[ aes bes aes] bes[ des c ees]
    <aes, des>( aes <aes aes'> aes \appoggiatura {c8} bes16 aes bes des c ees aes, <c ges>)
  \new Staff = "bottom" \with {midiInstrument = "flute"} \relative c'' {
    \key des \major
    \time 3/4
    \tempo "Andante tranquillo"
    r4 r16 aes'( f ges aes f des ees)
    << {f8.( ees16 f des ges f ges f ees f} \\ {d,2.~} >>
    << {f'16 ees f des ges f ges f ees4)} \\ {d,2.} >>

two flutes and piccolo in imitation of bells, and in the first scene we have a very peculiar effect produced by an accompaniment of two flutes and two piccolos—the