Appendix III.
Grenser, H—Letters and Articles on same. (Ib. 1800, 1811, and 1824.)
"Weber, Gfr.—Klappen fur C′′ and B′ auf der Flöte. (Cæcilia, Band 9, 1828.)
Schafhäutl, C. von.—Nachricht. (All. Mus. Zeitung, January 29, 1834.)
———Letter on Böhm Flute. (Musical World, February 18, 1882.)
The Flute. (Penny Magazine, 1840, p. 170.)
Ward, C.—Letter. (Musical World, November 7, 1843.)
Carte, R.—Article in The Monthly Lecturer, vol. ii., p. 285.
Mahillon, V. C.—On the Fingering of the Böhm Flute. (Musical Opinion, November 1884.)
The Böhm Flute, by "Ebonite." (ib. August-October 1888.)
Böhm's Life and Letters. (ib. March 1890.)
Wysham, H. C.—On "Flute," etc., in Groves' Dictionary of Music. (Boston Leader, April 1890.)
———Evolution of the Böhm Flute. (ib. August 1891.)
Rowbotham, J. F.—The Flute. (Musical Opinion, August 1, 1892.)
———The Flute. (Good Words, 1904, p. 243.)
American-Indian Flutes. (Journal of American Folk-lore, 1894, 1895, and 1896.)