Story of the Flute
Geminiam's Rides for Playing, 276
Gevaert on the flute, 95
Giorgi flute, the, 257
"Glide" eftect, the, 98, 109
Gluck, his flute passages, 129-132
———his Orfeo, 129
———his use of the lowest notes, 131
———piccolo in, 131
Godfroy, 56
Gold flutes, 278
Golden age of the flute, 108
Good flute music, 107, 111
Gordon, 48-52
———his flutes, 50
Gordon-Böhm controversy, 59 64
Gounod, 82
Greenhead, Miss, 222
Grenser, K., 260
Grieg, flute and piccolo in, 165
Griffith, F., 215
Guillou, 197, 206n.
Halicarnassus flute, the, 24
Hallet, B., 260
Handel, his use of the flute, 122, 127
———combines flute and organ, 127
———his "flauto-piccolo," 125
———his flautist, 129
———his flute sonatas, 102
———his obligatos, 124, 127
———his orchestra, 128
Harmonics, 95
Haydn, his flute passages, 132-134
———his chief flautist, 132
———his flute sonata, 103
———his symphonies, 134
———The Creation, 133
Hebrew "Mashrokitha," the, 10, 231, 270
Hebrews considered flute profane, 270
Heckel's Cap, 257
Heind'l, 227
Heinemayer, 206n.
Hirsch, 132
Hoffmann, G., 42
Hotteterre, 35
———his flute, 38
———his Principés de la Flûte traversière, 35, 275
———music by, 37, 275
Hudson, E., 215
———Miss, 223
Hugot, A., 193
Hummel's septetts, 182
Indian flutes, 25, 266
Instruction Books, early, 275
——————first English, 276
——————later English, 277
Interchangeable middle sections, 39
Ireland, flautist, 182
Ismenias, 15
Italian operatic composers, flute in, 152
Japanese flutes, 263
———legend concerning the flute, 264
Juba's Theatrical History, 6
Juvigny, 20
Kaffir flute, 266
"Kaval," the, 6
Keyless flutes, 23
Keys, addition of, 34
———the D♯. 34
———the low C, 41
———F♮, G♯, B♭, 41-42
———C♮ 43
———long F♮, 43
———long B♭, 44