Pratten, his "Perfected" flute, 71
Prætorius, 28
Prejudice against the flute, 269
Present-day foreign players, 219
Prill, 219
Puritan attack on the flute, 271
Quantz, J. J., his life, 186-193
——————compositions, 102
——————instruction book, 277
——————inventions, 40
Quesnel, Alfred, 228
Quintetts for wind alone, 183-4
Rabboni, 219
Radcliff, 214
———his flute, 71
Rameau, 81
Rebsomen, Count, 259
Recorder, the, 18
———some old players, 20
Redfern, E. S., 215
"Register," The, 39
Reicha's Quintetts, 183
Reichert, 206n.
Remusat, 206n.
Ribas, 204
Ribock, 42, 43, 66
Richardson, 209
Ring-keys, 45
Rockstro's attack on Böhm, 63
———flutes, 71
Roe, 81
Rossini's William Tell, 153
Royal flautists, 192n.
Rudall, Carte & Co., 69
Salomon de Caus, 32
Saust, 206n.
Saynor, 206n.
Schafhault, 55
Schickhard's Principes, 276
Schubert's use of the flute and piccolo, 159
———flute solo, 103
Schumann, the flute and piccolo in, 82, 85, 160
Schweitzerpfeiff, the, 26, 73
"Sebi," the, 4
Shakes and trills, 98
Shakespeare, fife and flute in, 231
Shepherd's instrument, the flute a, 234
Sibelius, 177
Siccama's flutes, 67
Silver flutes, 278
Smith, Miss L., 223
Sola, 206n.
Songs with flute obligato, 113
Soussmann, 206n.
South American flutes, 267
Spohr's Nonett, 182
Spontini, 84
Stanhope, Miss, 223
Statistics about flautists. 216
Strauss, R., flute and piccolo in, 176-179
Striggio's La Cofanaria, 117
Sturges, R. Y., 248
Style of performance, English and foreign, 217
———Böhm's views on, 218
Sullivan, The Golden Legend, 82, 167-169
Svendsen, 213
Tacet, 42, 207
Taffanel, 184, 205
Terschak, 204
———his compositions, 111
Theorbo and flute in Handel, 128
Thoinan's Les Hotieterre, 35
Tierce flute, the, 85
Tillmetz, 219
Tone of the flute, 93