Page:The talking thrush and other tales from India.djvu/18

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List of Illustrations


The Bull and the Bullfinch:

Initial ......... 145

Tailpiece 149

The Swan and the Crow:

Initial . . . . . . . . .150

"Hm, hm," said the Judge, looking at the Crow . 153 Tailpiece 155

Pride shall have a Fall :

Initial . . . . . . . . .156

Tailpiece . . . . . . . '159

The Kid and the Tiger :

Initial . . . . . • . . .160

The Stag, the Crow, and the Jackal :

Initial . .166

Tailpiece . . . . . . . .169

The Monkey and the Crows :

" O Monkey, what a fool you must be ! " . . 171 Tailpiece . • . . . . . .172

The Swan and the Paddy-bird :

Initial 173

Tailpiece 175

What is a Man :

"He espied an Elephant" 178

"I am a Man," said the other . . . . 180

The Wound and the Scar :

Initial 182

Tailpiece . . . . • . • -185

The Cat and the Parrot :

"The Cat said to the Parrot, Come, friend" . .187

"An old woman happened to be near" . . . 191

Finis 218