Page:The three colonies of Australia.djvu/432

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Paradox, or water-mole, description of 68
Parliamentary report of 1812 62
Particulars regarding George Bass 51
Parson Cowper, shameful neglect of, by government 71
Passage, discovery of a, across the Blue Mountains 66
Peel River diggings, the 345
Platypus, or paradox, sketch of 69
Policy, Earl Grey's apology for his colonial 180
Population of New South Wales 310
Port Jackson, description of 257
Port Jackson, why so named 17
Port Phillip declined sending representatives to Sydney 206
Port Phillip district, mountains in the 255
Port Phillip, history of 200
Port Phillip, or Victoria 199
Port Phillip satisfied with the new Constitution 196
Port Phillip statistics 323
Port Phillip, why so called 13
Portrait of Edward Hargreaves 324
Portrait of the first gold-commissioner 331
Post-office returns for New South Wales 320
Post-office, the, at Sofala, Turon river 357
Practice versus theory 197
Presbyterians insulted by Governor Brisbane 74
Press, liberty of the, conceded to New South Wales 74
Price of labour, Campbell on the 132
Price of land, Leslie Foster on 125
Princess Royal outcroppings 239
Prisoners, recollections of 40
Proceedings of the Australian Agricultural Company 78
Proceedings in South Australia 388
Profits of the Burra Burra mines 297
Promotion of convicts by Governor Macquarie 61
Protective Association, Mr. Benjamin Boyd's 130
Prothonotary, Lord Stanley's appointment of a 119
Public works effected by Governor Macquarie 65
Question, Earl Grey on the land 192
Reapers, soldiers hired as 61
Rebels, transportation of 21
Reception of the new Constitution in South Australia 196
Recital of Henry Hale 43
Recollections of prisoners 40
Records of Australian discovery 13
Registrar, the defaulting 117
Registry-office, Mrs. Chisholm's 139
Religion in Australia, state of 302
Religious denominations in Australia 303
Remonstrance of the Sydney Legislative Council 196
Report, Mrs. Chisholm's remarkable 140
Report of Commissioner Bigge 72
Report of Dr. Lang's committee 147
Report of Parliamentary committee in 1812 62
Report of the colonial-grievance committee 157
Reports of the Commons' committee on South Australia 233
Report on the convict system 172
Retirement of Sir George Gipps 160
Responsible government 155
Results of Governor Macquarie's administration 71
Right sort of emigrants, the 223
Rivers of Australia, the 44
Rivers of New South Wales, list of 250
Rivers in the Port Phillip district 255
River Torrens, real and alleged capabilities of the 219
Roads first made by convicts 61
Road made across the Blue Mountains 89
Roman Catholic cathedral founded at Sydney 73
Romantic doings at Adelaide 226
Rude speeches of Governor Macquarie 60
Rum-drinking in New South Wales 71
Rum hospital at Sydney 71
Satin, or bower-bird, the 289
Schaffer, appointment of Mr. 35
Schoolmaster, singular appointment of a colonial 306
Schools in New South Wales 311
Scott, Archdeacon 73
Sea-pig, or dugong, description of 267
Sectarian zeal, singular instance of 304
"Self-supporting " colony, statistics of a 236
Sham governesses 141
Shelter, want of, for emigrants 365
Shepherd's hut, sketch of a 366
Ship-building in New South Wales 319