Page:The true intellectual system of the universe - the first part; wherein, all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted; and its impossibility demonstrated (IA trueintellectual1678cudw).pdf/25

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to the Reader

lue and Depretiate; yet, as we conceived it often Necessary, so possibly may the Variety thereof not be Ungratefull to others; and this Mixture of Philology, throughout the Whole, Sweeten and Allay the Severity of Philosophy to them: The main thing which the Book pretends to, in the mean time, being the Philosophy of Religion. But for our parts, we neither call Philology, nor yet Philosophy, our Mistress; but serve our selves of Either, as Occasion requireth.

As for the Last Chapter; Though it Promise onely a Confutation of all the Atheistick Grounds; yet do we therein also Demonstrate, the Absolute Impossibility of all Atheism, and the Actual Existence of a God. We say Demonstrate; not A Priori, which is Impossible and Contradictious; but by Necessary Inference, from Principles altogether Undeniable. For we can by no means grant to the Atheists; That there is no more, then a Probable Persuasion, or Opinion to be had, of the Existence of a God; without any Certain Knowledge or Science. Nevertheless it will not follow from hence; That whosoever shall Read these Demonstrat•ons of ours, and Understand all the words of them, must therefore of Necessity, be presently Convinced, whether he will or no, and put out of all manner of Doubt or Hesitancy, concerning the Existence of a God. For we Believe That to be True, which some have Affirmed, That were there any Interest of Life, any Concernment of Appetite and Passion, against the Truth of Geometricall Theorems themselves; as of a Triangle's Having Three Angles Equall to Two Right; whereby mens Judgements might be Clouded and Bribed; Notwithstanding all the Demonstrations of them, many would remain, at least Sceptical about them. Wherefore meer Speculation, and Dry Mathematical Reason, in Minds Unpurified, and having a Contrary Interest of Carnality, and a heavy Load of Infidelity and Distrust sinking them down; cannot alone beget an Unshaken Confidence and Assurance of so High a Truth as this, The Existence of One Perfect Understanding Being, the Original of all things. As it is certain also on the contrary, That Minds Cleansed and Purged from Vice, may without Syllogisticall Reasonings, and Mathematical Demonstrations, have an Undoubted Assurance of the Existence of a God, according to that of the Philosopher; 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉, Purity Possesses men with an Assurance of the Best things: whether this Assurance be called a Vaticination or Divine Sagacity, (as it is by Plato and Aristotle) or Faith, as in the Scripture. For the Scripture-Faith, is not a meer Believing of Historicall Things, and upon Inartificiall Arguments, or Testimonies onely; but a Certain Higher and Diviner Power in the Soul, that peculiarly Correspondeth with the Deity. Notwithstanding which, Knowledge or Science, added to this Faith, (accor-
