Page:The true intellectual system of the universe - the first part; wherein, all the reason and philosophy of atheism is confuted; and its impossibility demonstrated (IA trueintellectual1678cudw).pdf/29

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Book I.

Chap. I.

1. The Fatal Necessity of all Humane Actions and Events maintained upon three several Grounds, which are so many false Hypotheses of the Intellectual System of the Universe. 2. Concerning the Mathematical or Astrological Fate. 3. Concerning the Opinion of those who suppose a Fate superiour to the Highest Deity. 4. The Moderation of this Discourse. 5. The Atheistical Hypothesis or Democritical Fate, being founded upon the Atomical Physiology; the necessity of giving an Account of it, and that first briefly described. 6. The Antiquity of this Physiology, and the account which is given of it by Aristotle. 7. A clear and full record of the same Physiology in Plato that hath not been taken notice of. 8. That neither Democritus, nor Leucippus, nor Protagoras, nor any Atheists were the first Inventours of this Philosophy; and of the Necessity of being thoroughly acquainted with it, in order to the confutation of Atheism. 9. The Tradition of Posidonius the Stoick, that Moschus an ancient Phænician was the first Inventour of the Atomical Physiology. 10. That this Moschus the Inventour of the Atomical Physiology was probably the same with Mochus the Physiologer in Jamblichus, with whose successours, Priests and Prophets, Pythagoras convers'd at Sidon. 11. Other Probabilities for this, that Pythagoras was acquainted with the Atomical Physiology. 12. That Pythagoras his Monads were Atoms. 13. Proved plainly that Empedocles, who was a Pythagorean, Physiologized Atomically. 14. The same further convinced from Plato, Aristotle, Plutarch & Stobæus. 15. That Anaxagoras was a spurious Atomist, or unskilful Imitatour of that Philosophy. 16. That Ecphantus the Pythagorean, Zenocrates, Heraclides, Diodorus and Metrodorus Chius were all ancient Asserters of the Atomical Physiology; together with Aristotle's Testimony that the ancient Physiologers generally went that way. 17. How Aristotle is to be reconciled with himself, and the credit of other Writers to be salved, who
