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angry women of Abington.
Mi. Bar. Will ye not stand still?
Mal. No by Ladie no.
Mis. Bar. But I will make ye.
Mal. Nay then trip and goe.
Mi. Bar. Mistresse, Ile make ye wearie ere I haue done.
Mal. Faith mother then Ile trie how you can runne,
Mis. Bar. Will ye?
Exunt.Mal. Yes faith.
EnterFran. Mal. sweet heart, Mall? what not a word?
Boy. A little further, call againe.
Fran. Why Mal. I prethie speake, why Mal I say?I know thou art not farre, if thou wilt not speake, why mal,But now I see shees in her mery vaine,To make me call and put me to more paine,Well, I must beare with her, sheel beare with me,But I will call, least that it be not so,What Mall? what Mall I say, boy are we right?Haue we not mist the way this same darke night?
Boy. Masse it may be so as I am true man,I haue not seene a cunny since I came,Yet at the Cunny-borow we should meete,But harke, I heare the trampling of some feete.
Fran. It may be so, then therefore lets lye close.
Mis. Gou. Where art thou Dicke?
Coo. Where am I quoth a, mary I may be where any bodywill say I am, eyther in France or at Rome, or at Ierusalemthey may say I am, for I am not able to disproue them, becauseI cannot tell where I am.
Mi. Gou. O what a blindfold walke haue we had Dicke,To seeke my sonne and yet I cannot finde him?
Coo. Why then Mistresse lets goe home.
Mi. Gou. Why tis so darke we shall not finde the way.
Fran. I pray God ye may not mother till it be day.
Coo. Sbloud take heed mistris heres a tree.
Mis. Go. Lead thou the way, and let me hold by thee,
Bo. Dick Coome, what difference is there between a blindman, and he that cannot see?
Fra. Peace, a poxe on thee.
Coo. Swounds some body spake.
Mi. Gou. Dicke looke about,It may be here we may finde them out.
