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Page:The two angry women of Abingdon (IA twoangrywomenofa00portrich).pdf/12

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The names of the speakers.

M. Goursey.
Mist. Goursey.
M. Barnes.
Mist Barnes.
Franke Goursey.

Mall Barnes.
Dick Coomes.

Nicholas Prouerbs.
Sir Raph Smith.
Will sir Raphes man.

The Prologue.

Gentlemen, I come to yee like one that lackes and would borrow, but was loath to aske least hee should be denied: I would aske, but I would aske to obtaine: O would I knewe that manner of asking: to beg were base, and to cooche low and to carry an humble shew of entreatie, were too Dog-like that fawnes on his maister to get a bone from his Trencher: out Curre I cannot abide it, to put on the shape and habit of this new worlds new found beggars, mistermed Souldiers, as thus: sweet Gentlemen, let a poore Scholler implore and exerate, that you would make him rich in the possession of amite of your fauours, to keep him a true man in wit, and to pay for his lodging among the Muses: so God him helpe he is driuen to a most low estate, tis not vnknowne what seruice of words he hath been at, he lost his lims in a late conflict of floute, a braue repulse and a hot assault it was, he doth protest, as euer he saw since hee knewe what the report of a volley of testes were, he shall therefore desire you: A plague vpon it, each Beadle disdained, would whip him from your companie. Well Gentlemen, I cannot tell howe to get your fauours better then by desert: then the worse lucke, or the worse wit or some what, for I shall not now deserue it. Welcome then, I commit my selfe to my fortunes, & your contents, contented to dye, of your seuere iudgements shall iudge me to be stung to death with the Adders hisse.