angry women of Abington.
Hod. Make a Boate of thy Buckler then, and swim out, are
yee so hot with a pox? would you kisse my mistresse, coole
ye there then good Dick Coomes, o when he comes forth
the skirts of his blew coate will dropp like a paint-house,
O that I could see and not be seene, how he would Spaniell
it, and shake himselfe when he comes out of the pond,
but ile be gone, for now heele fight with a flye, if he but
Exit.buz in his eare.
yee so hot with a pox? would you kisse my mistresse, coole
ye there then good Dick Coomes, o when he comes forth
the skirts of his blew coate will dropp like a paint-house,
O that I could see and not be seene, how he would Spaniell
it, and shake himselfe when he comes out of the pond,
but ile be gone, for now heele fight with a flye, if he but
Exit.buz in his eare.
Enter Coomes.
Coom Heeres so hoing with a plague, so hang and ye wil
for I haue bin almost drownd, a pox of your lips, and ye call
this kissing: yee talke of a drownd Rat, but twas time to
swim like a dog, I had bin serued like a drownd Cat els, I
would he had didg his graue that digd the pond, my feete
were foule indeed, but a lesse pale then a pond would haue
serued my turne to wash them: a man shall be serued thus
alwayes, when he followes any of these females, but tis my
kinde heart that makes me thus forward in kindnes vnto
them, well God amend them, and make them thankfull to
them that would do thē pleasure, I am not drunke I would
ye should know it, and yet I haue drunke more then will
do me good, for I might haue had a Pumpe set vp, with as
good March Beere as this was, and nere set vp an Ale bush
for the matter: well I am somwhat in wroth I must needs
say, and yet I am not more angrie then wise, nor more wise
then angrie, but ile fight with the next man I meete, and it
be but for luck sake, and if he loue to see him selfe hurt, let
him bring light with him, ile do it by darkling els by gods
dines, well heere will I walke whosoeuer sayes nay.
Coom Heeres so hoing with a plague, so hang and ye wil
for I haue bin almost drownd, a pox of your lips, and ye call
this kissing: yee talke of a drownd Rat, but twas time to
swim like a dog, I had bin serued like a drownd Cat els, I
would he had didg his graue that digd the pond, my feete
were foule indeed, but a lesse pale then a pond would haue
serued my turne to wash them: a man shall be serued thus
alwayes, when he followes any of these females, but tis my
kinde heart that makes me thus forward in kindnes vnto
them, well God amend them, and make them thankfull to
them that would do thē pleasure, I am not drunke I would
ye should know it, and yet I haue drunke more then will
do me good, for I might haue had a Pumpe set vp, with as
good March Beere as this was, and nere set vp an Ale bush
for the matter: well I am somwhat in wroth I must needs
say, and yet I am not more angrie then wise, nor more wise
then angrie, but ile fight with the next man I meete, and it
be but for luck sake, and if he loue to see him selfe hurt, let
him bring light with him, ile do it by darkling els by gods
dines, well heere will I walke whosoeuer sayes nay.
Entter Nicholas.
Nic. He that worse may must holde the Candle, but my
Maister is not so wise as God might haue made him, he is
gone to seeke a Hayre in a Hennes nest, a Needle in a Bottle
of Haye, which is as sildome seene as a black Swan: he
is gone to seeke my yong Mistresse, and I thinke she is better
lost then found, for who so euer hath her, hath but a wet
Eele by the tail, but they may do as they list, the law is in
their owne hands, but and they would be ruld by me, they
should set her on the Leland, and bid the Diuell split het,
beshrew her fingers, she hath made me watch past mine
Maister is not so wise as God might haue made him, he is
gone to seeke a Hayre in a Hennes nest, a Needle in a Bottle
of Haye, which is as sildome seene as a black Swan: he
is gone to seeke my yong Mistresse, and I thinke she is better
lost then found, for who so euer hath her, hath but a wet
Eele by the tail, but they may do as they list, the law is in
their owne hands, but and they would be ruld by me, they
should set her on the Leland, and bid the Diuell split het,
beshrew her fingers, she hath made me watch past mine