angry women of Abington.
Enter M. Barnes and M. Goursey.
M. Gou. Harke, theres one holloes.
M. Bar. And theres another.
M. Gour. And euery where we come, I heere some hollo.
And yet it is our haps to meete with none.
And yet it is our haps to meete with none.
M. Bar. I maruell where your Hodge is, and my man?
M. Gour. I and our wiues, we cannot meet with them.
Nor with the boye, nor Mall, nor Franke, nor Phillip:
Nor yet with Coomes, and yet we nere stood still.
Well I am very angry with my wife,
And she shall finde I am not pleasd with her,
If we meete nere so soone, but tis my hap,
She hath had as blind a iourney out as we,
Pray God she haue, and worse if worse may be.
Nor with the boye, nor Mall, nor Franke, nor Phillip:
Nor yet with Coomes, and yet we nere stood still.
Well I am very angry with my wife,
And she shall finde I am not pleasd with her,
If we meete nere so soone, but tis my hap,
She hath had as blind a iourney out as we,
Pray God she haue, and worse if worse may be.
M. Bar. This is but short liu'de enuie Maister Goursey:
But come, what say yee to my pollicie?
But come, what say yee to my pollicie?
M. Gou. I faith tis good, and we will practise it,
But sir it must be handeled cunningly,
Or all is mard, our wiues haue subtill heads,
And they will soone perceiue a drift deuise.
But sir it must be handeled cunningly,
Or all is mard, our wiues haue subtill heads,
And they will soone perceiue a drift deuise.
Enter sir Raphe Smith.
Raph. So ho.
M, Gour. So ho.
Raph. Whose there?
M. Bar. Heers on or two.
Raph. Is Will there?
M. Bar. No, Phillip?
M. Gour. Franke?
Raph. No, no.
Was euer man deluded thus like me,
I thinke some spirit leads me thus amisse:
As I haue oftē heard, that some haue bin thus in the nights.
But yet this mases me where ere I come,
Some askes me still for Franke or Phillip,
And none of them can tell me where Will is.
Was euer man deluded thus like me,
I thinke some spirit leads me thus amisse:
As I haue oftē heard, that some haue bin thus in the nights.
But yet this mases me where ere I come,
Some askes me still for Franke or Phillip,
And none of them can tell me where Will is.
Wil. So ho?
They hollo within.Phil. So ho.
Hodg. So ho!
Boy. So ho?
Rap. Sownes now I heere foure hollow at the least,
One had a little voice, then thats the wench
My man hath lost, well I will answer all, so ho.
One had a little voice, then thats the wench
My man hath lost, well I will answer all, so ho.
Hodg. Whope, whope.
Raph. Whose there will?
Hod. No sir, honest Hodge: but I pray yee sir did yee not
meete with a boye with a Torche, he is runne away from
me a plague on him.
meete with a boye with a Torche, he is runne away from
me a plague on him.