angry women of Abington.
M. Bar. What, shall we haue a game?
M Gou. And if you please.
M. Bar I faith content, weele spend an hower so:
Sirra fetch the Tables.
Sirra fetch the Tables.
Exit.Nic. I will sir.
Phil. Sirra Franke, whilst they are playing heere,
Weele to the greene to Bowles.
Weele to the greene to Bowles.
Fra. Phillip content, Coomes come hyther sirra,
When our Fathers part, call vs vpon the greene,
Phillip come, a rubber and so leaue.
When our Fathers part, call vs vpon the greene,
Phillip come, a rubber and so leaue.
Exeunt.Phil, Come on.
Coom. Sbloud, I doe not like the humour of these springals,
theil spend all their fathers good at gamming: But let
them trowle the bowles vpon the greene: Ile trowle the
bowles in the Buttery, by the leaue of God and maister
Barnes: and his men be good fellows so it is, if they be not
Exit,let them goe snick vp.
theil spend all their fathers good at gamming: But let
them trowle the bowles vpon the greene: Ile trowle the
bowles in the Buttery, by the leaue of God and maister
Barnes: and his men be good fellows so it is, if they be not
Exit,let them goe snick vp.
Enter Nicholas with the Tables.
M. Bar. So set them downe,
Mistresse Goursey, how doe you like this game?
Mistresse Goursey, how doe you like this game?
Mi. Gou. Well sir.
M. Bar. Can ye play at it?
Mis. Gou. A little sir.
M. Bar. Faith so can my wife.
M. Gou. Why then master Barnes, and if you please,
Our wiues shall try the quarrell twixt vs two,
And weele looke on?
Our wiues shall try the quarrell twixt vs two,
And weele looke on?
M. Bar. I am content, what woman will you play?
Mis. Gou. I care not greatly.
Mis. Bar. Nor I, but that I thinke sheele play me false.
M. Gou. Ile see she shall not.
Mis Ba. Nay sir, she will be sure you shall not see.
You of all men shall not marke her hand,
She hath such close conueyance in her play.
You of all men shall not marke her hand,
She hath such close conueyance in her play.
M. Gou. Is she so cunning growne, come, come, lets see.
Mis. Gou. Yea mistris Barnes, will ye not house your iests,
But let them rome abroad so carelesly?
Faith, if your iealious tongue vtter another,
But let them rome abroad so carelesly?
Faith, if your iealious tongue vtter another,