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Page:The two angry women of Abingdon (IA twoangrywomenofa00portrich).pdf/60

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A pleasant Comedie of the two
For on my lyfe he was neuer begot,
Without the consent of some great prouerb-monger.

M. Bar. O ye are a wag.

Phil. Well, now vnto my busines;
Swounds will that mouth thats made of olde sed sawes,
And nothing else, say nothing to vs now?

Nich. O mater Phillip forbeare, you must not leape ouer
the stile before you come at it, haste makes waste, softe fire
makes sweete malt, not too fast for falling, there's no hast to
hang true men.

Phil. Father we ha'te, ye see we ha'te, now will I see if my
memorie wil serue for some prouerbs too. O a painted cloath
were as wel worth a shilling, as a theese woorth a halter: well,
after my heartie commendations, as I was at the making hereof,
so it is, that I hope as you speed, so you're sure a swift horse
will tire, but he that trottes easilie will indure, you haue most
learnedly prouerbde it, commending the vertue of patience
or forbearance, but yet you know forbearance is no quittance.

Nich. I promise yee maister Philip you haue spoken as true as steele.

Phil. Father, theres a prouerbe well applied.

Nich. And it seemeth vnto me, I it seemes to me, that you
maister Phillip mocke me, do you not know qui mocat mocabitur,
mocke age and see how it will prosper?

Phil. Why ye whoreson prouerb-booke bound vp in folio,
Haue yee no other sence to answer me,
But euery worde a prouerbe, no other English?
Well, Ile fulfill a prouerbe on thee straight.

Nich. What is it sir?

Phil. Ile fetch my fist from thine eare.

Nich. Beare withesse he threatens me.

Phil. Father that same is the cowards common prouerb,
But come, come sirra, tell me where Hugh is?

Nich. I may and I will, I need not except I list, you shall
not commaund me, you glue me neither meate, drinke, nor
wages, I am your fathers man, and a man's a man, and a haue
but a hose on his head, do not misuse me so, do not, for though
he that is bound must obay, yet he that will not tarrie, may
runne away so he may.

M. Bar. Peace Nicke, Ile see he shall vse thee well,
Go to peace sirra, here Nicke take this letter,
