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angry women of Abington.
M. Gou. Go to, ye moue me wife, giue me the letter,
Introth I shall growe angry, if you doe not.

Mi. Gou. Grow to the house top with your anger sir.
Nere tell me, I care not thus much for it.

M. Gour. Well, I can beare enough, but not too much,
Come giue it me, twere best you be perswaded,
By God ye make me sweare, now God forgiue me,
Giue me I say, and stand not long vpon it,
Go to, I am angry at the heart, my very heart,

Mis. Gou. Hart me no hearts, you shall not haue it sir,
No you shall not, nere looke so big,
I will nor be affraide at your great lookes,
You shall not haue it, no you shall not haue it.

M. Gou. Shall I not haue it, introth Ile try that,
Minion Ile hau'te, shall I not hau'te, I am loath,
Go too, take pausment, be aduisde,
Infaith I will, and stand not long vpon it,
A woman of your yeares, I am ashamde,
A couple of so long continuance,
Should thus, Gods foote, I cry God hartely mercy,
Go to, ye vex me, and Ile vexe ye for it,
Before I leaue ye, I will make ye glad,
To tender it on your knees, heare ye, I will I will,
What worse and worse stomacke, true ye faith,
Shall I be crost by you in my olde age?
And where I should haue greatest comfort to,
A nursse of you, nursle in the diuels name,
Go to mistris, by Gods pretious deere,
If ye delaie.

Mi. Gou. Lord, Lord, why in what a fit,
Are you in husband, so inrag'd, so moou'd,
And for so slight a cause, to read a letter,
Did this letter loue, conteine my death,
Should you denie my sight of it, I would not,
Not see my sorrow, not eschew my danger,
But willinglie yeeld me a patient,
Vnto the doome that your displeasure gaue:
Heere is the letter, not for that your incensment,
Makes me make offer of it, but your health,
Which anger I doe feare hath crasd,
