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At Charlotte, North Carolina. Arrival of Longstreet's Corps, on its Way to re-enforce Bragg's Army. I obtain Permission for myself and other Officers to go on the Train southward. I arrive in Atlanta, Georgia, and receive Letters from several Members of my Family. I learn for the first time that my Brother is in the Confederate Army. I receive Information of the Officer to whom I am engaged to be married, and whom I have not seen since the Battle of Shiloh. I make an Attempt to reach him, but am unable to do so. Failing in an Endeavor to be come attached to General Armstrong's Command, I determine to undertake an Expedition through the Lines. Finding a Supply of female Garments in a deserted Farm-house, I attire Myself as a Woman. My Uniform hid in an Ash-barrel. An Invasion of the Dairy. I start for the Federal Lines.

ROM Lynchburg I went to Charlotte, North Carolina, where the home-guard officer had attempted to arrest me while carrying through General Winder's blank despatches to Van Dorn. I had some curiosity to meet this individual again, as I thought I would like to make acquaintance. I did not have the pleasure of seeing him, however; but I did see quite a number of officers and soldiers who had collected at this point, under orders to return to their commands with out delay, and who were waiting for transportation. Many of these were old friends and acquaintances of mine, and I proceeded to make myself at home among them, and

also among the good people of Charlotte, taking particular pains, according to my usual custom, to be as agreeable as I could to the ladies; for, notwithstanding my recent little unpleasantness with the Richmond and Lynchburg authorities with regard to my right to wear male attire, I still was inspired by some ambition to achieve a reputation as a ladies' man. I succeeded as well as I usually did when attempting to play this role, and managed to enjoy myself immensely,