and afterwards St. Thomas. While at St. Thomas the Confederate
Cruiser Florida comes in, coals, and gets to Sea again, despite the Federal Fleet watching her 454
The Bounty-jumping and Substitute-brokerage Business. Rascalities in high Life and low Life. Bounty-jumpers and Substitute-brokers not the worst Rogues of the Period. High Officials of the Government implicated in Swindles. Baker's Raid on the Treasury Ring, and the Charges of Conspiracy brought against him by Members of Congress and others. A Committee of Congress exonerates the guilty Parties, and blames Baker for exposing them. What I know about these Transactions. Money needed to carry on the Confederate Operations at the North. Federal Officials countenancing the Issue of counterfeit Confederate Bonds and Notes. I go to Washington for the Purpose of getting in with the Treasury Ring. A rebel Clerk introduces me to a high Official, who, on Condition of sharing in the Profits, introduces me to the Printing Bureau of the Treasury. The Trade with England in bogus Federal and Confederate Securities. Making Johnny Bull pay some of the Expenses of the War 464
Introduction to an Official of the Printing Bureau of the Treasury Depart ment. The Chief of the Treasury, Ring. I am referred by him to another Person in the Bureau, who arranges for a private Interview with me under a Cedar Tree in the Smithsonian Grounds. The Influ ence of certain Rascals in the Treasury Department with Secretary Chase and other high Officials. The Scandals about the Women Em ployees in the Department. Baker's Investigation baffled. The Case of Dr. Gwynn. The Conference under the Cedar Tree. A grand Scheme for speculating with Government Funds. I obtain Possession of an Electrotype Fac-Simile of a One-Hundred Dollar Compound Interest Plate. A Package of Money left for me under the Cedar Tree. Spec ulation in bogus Confederate and Federal Notes and Bonds. How the Thing was Managed . Increase of illicit Speculation as the War Pro gressed. Bankers, Brokers, and other Men of high Reputation impli cated in it. Counterfeiting, to a practically unlimited Extent, carried on with the Aid of Electrotypes furnished from the Treasury Depart ment. Advantages taken by the Confederate Agent of the general Demoralization 476
The Bounty-jumping and Substitute-brokerage Frauds, and their Origin. New York the Headquarters of the Bounty and Substitute-Brokers. Prominent Military Officers and Civilians implicated in the Frauds. How newly-enlisted Men managed to escape from Governor's Island.