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Page:The woman in battle .djvu/534

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Introduction to an Official of the Printing Bureau of the Treasury Department. The Chief of the Treasury Ring. I am referred by him to another Person in the Bureau, who arranges for a private Interview with me under a Cedar Tree in the Smithsonian Grounds. The Influence of certain Rascals in the Treasury Department with Secretary Chase and other high Officials. The Scandals about the Women Em ployees in the Department. Baker's Investigation baffled. The Case of Dr. Gwynn. The Conference under the Cedar Tree. A grand Scheme for speculating with Government Funds. I obtain Possession of an Electrotype Fac-Simile pf a One-Hundred Dollar Compound In terest Plate. A Package of Money left Tor me under the Cedar Tree. Speculation in bogus Confederate and Federal Notes and Bonds. How the Thing was managed. Increase of illicit Speculation as the War progressed. Bankers, Brokers, and other Men of high Reputation implicated in it. Counterfeiting, to a practically unlimited Extent, carried on with the Aid of Electrotypes furnished from the Treasury Department. Advantages taken by the Confederate Agent of the general Demoralization.

HE day after receiving the note to which reference has been made in the preceding chapter, I took it to the person in the printer's bureau, to whom it was addressed. This individual did not appear to be the least surprised to see me, and it was evident that he had been apprised of the fact that I intended to make him a visit, and what the visit would be for.

He proceeded to business at once, when he had read the note, by requesting me to call the next day at

his office, when, he said, the matter would be arranged to my satisfaction. He was not disposed to be talkative about the situation; and, as I found out shortly