�The four Mojiarchyes^ [69] the AJfyriaii being the firft,
beginning under Nimrod^ 131. Years after the Flood,
��T T /"Hen time was young, & World in Infancy,
^ ^ Man did not proudly'" ftrive for Soveraignty: But each one thought his petty Rule was high, If of his houfe he held the Monarchy. This was the golden Age, but after came The boifterous fon of Chusf Grand-Child to Ham, That mighty Hunter, who in his flrong toyles Both Beafts and Men fubje6ted to his fpoyles : The ftrong foundation of proud Babel laid, Erech, Accad, and Culneh alfo made. Thefe were his firfl, all ftood in Shinar land, From thence he went Affyria to command, x\nd mighty Ni^iiveh, he there begun, Not finifhed till he his race had run.
w " Proudly" is not in the first edition. x Sons of Culh.
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