Page:The works of Monsieur de St. Evremond (1728) Vol. 2.pdf/7

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A Letter to the Dutcheſs of Mazarin; I have reſolved, &c. p. 215
For Madam de Beverweet. 220
A Letter to Madam de Beverweet. 225
A Defence of ſome Dramatick Pieces of M. Corneille. 227
A Letter to the Dutcheſs of Mazarin; If you find any Extravagances, &c. 236
A Letter to the Earl of St. Albans; I have been at Death's door, &c. 239
A Letter to the Duke of Buckingham. 243
A Letter to the Dutcheſs of Mazarin; with a Diſcourſe upon Religion. 246
The Character of the Dutcheſs of Mazarin. 250
A Letter to the Dutcheſs of Mazarin; I read juſt now the Copy of Verſes, &c. 254
A Letter to Count d'Olonne; I know not why you ſhou'd admire my Verſes, &c. 258
Friendſhip without Friendſhip. To the Earl of St. Albans. 261
A Letter to M. Justel; I am overjoy'd to ſee you in England, &c. 271
Thoughts, Reflections and Maxims. 281
Upon Health. ibid.
Upon Love. 282
Upon Devotion. 283
On Death. 284
A Letter to the Dutcheſs of Mazarin; On her deſign of retiring into a Convent. 285
To the ſame: On the Death of her Lover. 294
To the ſame: On her deſign of leaving England. 298
To the ſame: On the ſame ſubject. 301
Some Obſervations upon the Taſte and Judgment of the French. 303
A Letter to Mr. ***, who cou'd not endure that the Earl of St. Albans ſhould be in love in his old Age. 308