Page:The writings of Henry David Thoreau, v1.djvu/555

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INDEX 531 "Water-lily, the white, 23. "Wawatam, the friendship of, 362. Wayland (Mass.), 4, 5, 6, 45, 46. " We see t'h.eplaiiet fall," verse, 481. Wednesday, 309-392. Westborough (Mass.), 4, 40. Westford (Mass.), 141. " What dost thou wish me to do to thee?" verse, 301.

  • ' Where gleaming fields of haze,"

verse, 290. " Where'er thou sail'st who sailed with me," verse, 2. White Mountains, the, 106, 111. " Who sleeps by day and walks by night," verse, 51. Wicasuck Island, 141, 143, 471, 472. Wilderness, the need of, 223. Wildness and cultivation, 68. Williamstown (Mass.), 238, 244. Willow, the narrow-leaved, 22 ; the water, 55. Windham (N. H.), 115. Winnipiseogee, 106, 108, 111, 112, 114. "With frontier strength ye stand your ground," verse, 212. Wolff, Joseph, quoted, 74, 164. Wolofs, the, 136, 172. " Woof of the sun, ethereal gauze," verse, 284. Work, quiet, 137. Writing, grace and power in, 134- 138. Yankees, how first called, 66.