Page:Thea von Harbou Metropolis eng 1927.pdf/85

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METROPOLIS "Yes," he said with a worried smile. «I should like to confide myself to you.... I must confide myself to you, ]osaphat. . . . I must call you 'Friend' and 'Brother', ... for I need a man who will go with me in trust and confidence to the world's end. Will you be that man?" "Yes," "Yes-PI> He came to him and laid his hands upon his shoulders. He looked closely into his face. He shook him. "You say: 'Yes-I' Do you -know what that means-for you and for me? What a last plummet-drop that is-what a last anchorage? I hardly know you-I wanted to help you-I cannot even help you now, because I am poorer now than you are-but, perhaps, that is all to the good.... Joh Fredersen's son can, perhaps, be betrayed-but I, ]osaphat? A man who has nothing but a will and an object? It cannot be worth while to betray him-eh, Josaphat?" "May Cod kill me as one kills a mangy dog...." "That's all right, that's all l'ight, ..." Freder's smile came back again and stood, clear and beautiful in his tired face. "I am going now, ]osaphat. 1 want to go to my father's mother, to take her 'Something which is very sacred to me. . . . 1 shan be here again before evening. Shan I find you here then?" "Yes, Mr. Frede!, most certainly'" They stretched out their hands towards each other. Hand held hand, gripped. They looked at each other. Clance held glance, gripped. Then they loosened their grip in silence and Freder went. A little while later (Josaphat was still standing on the same spot on which Freder had left him) there came a knock at the door. Though the knocking was as gentle, as modest, as the knocking of one who has come to beg, there was something in it which chased a shiver' down Josaphat's spine. He stood still, gazing at the door, incapable of calling out "Come in:' or of opening it himself. The knocking was repeated, becoming not in the least louder. It came for the third time and was still as gentle. But