to. Not otherwise may ye reach unto the Smooth Point.
11. Nor is it fitting fur the cobbler to plate of the Royal matter. 0 cobbler! mend me thiSIhoe, that I may walk. 0 king! if I be thy son, let us spuk of the Embassy to the King thy Brother.
1:. Then was there silence. Speech had done with us awhile.
There is A light so strenuous that it is not perceived as light.
13. Wall”: bone is not so sharp as steel; yet it pieroeth the body more subtly.
14,. Even as evil kisses cornipt the blood, so do my words devour the spirit of mm.
15. I breathe, and there is infinite dis-ease in the spirit.
x& As an acid fits into steel, as a when that utterly corrupts the body; so am I unto the spirit of man.
I7. I shall not rest until I have dissolved it Ill.
18. So also the light that is khsorbed. One absorbs little, and is called White and glistenv ing; one absorbs all and is tailed black.
It). Thereiore, O my darling, art than black.
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