Cody, William E., St Louis, Mo.
Chopetal, Frank W., Buffalo, N. Y.
Coyle, Michael H., Raton, N. M.
Absent on sick leave since June 24th on account of wound in arm received in battle.
Clark, Winslow, Milton, Mass.
Absent on sick leave since July 1st on account of gunshot wound through lung recorded in battle. Right lung, severe. Missile or weapon, Mauser rifle.
Cotton, Frank W., Jennings, La.
Conover, Alfred J., Chicasee, I. T.
Detwiler, Sherman, Muscatine, Ia.
Dunn, Alfred B,, Calvert, Tex.
Edmunds, John H., Alleghany, Pa.
Faupel Henry F., Martington, 111.
Fornoff. Frederick, Albuquerque, N. M.
Fitch, Roger S., Buffalo, N. Y.
Gibson, William C, Gallup, N. M.
Gevers, Louis, Austin, Tex.
Absent from July 1st till Aug. 2d on account of gunshot wound in hips received in battle.
Goodwin, John, Gallup,N.M.
Healey, Frank F., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Hendersmi, John, Gallup N. M.
Absent from July 1st to Sept 2d on account of wound in arm received in battle. Wrist. Missile or Weapon. Muaser Rifle.
Henshaw, Laten R., El Paso, Tex.
Johnson, Albert John, Raton, N. M.
Kline, John S., San Marcial, N. M.
Keeley, Bert T., Lamy, N. M.
King, Henry A., Massitee, Mich.
Littleton, Elias M., Springer, N. M.
Lincoln, Malcolm D., Lucknow, I. T.
Larson, Anton, Silverton, Col
Lyle, James C, Georgetown, Col.
Miller, Frank P., Los Angeles, Cal.
Meyers, Fred P., Gallup, N. M.
Reduced from 1st Sergt. to Trooper on account of absence caused by wound received in battle, July 1, 1898. Head, severe.
Moran, Daniel, Gallup, N. M.
Mann, Eugene M., Omaha, Neb.
McCarthy, George H., Los Angeles, Cal.
McKinney, Frank G., Harrison, Ark.
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The Rough Riders