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Page:Theodore Roosevelt Rough Riders.djvu/282

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The Rough Riders
Worden, John L Private 27 W.43d St., N.Y.City.
Discharged by way of favor per telegraphic order from Assistant Secretary of War. Dated Aug. 15th, Washington, D. C.
Cosby, Arthur F Private
Discharged per S. O. No. 103, A. G. O., Aug., 17th, Washington, D. C., to enable the soldier to accept a commission. Wounded July 1st; right hand.
Lee, Joseph J Private Knoxville, Md.
Discharged per S. O. No. 205, A. G. O., Washington, D. C., Aug. 31st.
Babcock, Campbell E. Private The Plaza, Chicago, Ill.
Discharged, Sept. 5th, to accept commission.
Duran, Joseph L. Private Santa Fé, N. M.
Transferred to Troop H, this regiment, July 15th.
Brandon, Perry H. Private Douglass, Kan.
Transferred to Troop D, this regiment July 29th.
David M. Goodrich 1st Lieut. Akron, O.
Transferred from Troop D, this regiment, Aug. 11th. Transferred to Troop D, this regiment, Sept. 5th.
Haywood, Henry Sergeant Police Dept., N.Y.City.
Abdomen; Mauser rifle; killed, July 2d. Wounded, July 1st; died in Division Hospital, Cuba, July 2, 1898, from bullet wound received July 1st.
Ives, Gerard M Private New York.
Died at his home, 338 W. 71st St, New York City (date not known), from typhoid fever.
Tiffany, William Lieutenant New York City.
Died of fever.
Staley, Frank Private
Deserted from troop at San Antonio, Tex., May 1st.
Curzon Private
Deserted from detachment at Tampa, Fla., June 13th.
Jenkins, Micah J Major Youngs Island, S. C.
Promoted to Major, Aug. 11, 1898.