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Grace of God came to them and spake, saying, “Wherefore do ye not toil for My sake? And why do ye toil for the sake of children of men?” And they were convinced that they must not expect the praise of men but that of God, and when the brethren heard [this] they said, “Verily the matter is indeed thus.”

Chapter xlj: Of a certain Old Man who in his simplicity said that Melchisedek was the Son of God

AND Abbâ Daniel told a story of another old man who used to live in the lower countries of Egypt, and who said in his simplicity that Melchisedek was the Son of God. Now, when this became known unto the blessed man Theophilus, the Archbishop of Alexandria, he sent a message that [the monks] should bring the old man to him, and when he saw him, he perceived that he was a seer of visions, and that everything which he had asked God for He gave him, and that he spake these words in his simplicity. And the Archbishop dealt with him wisely in the following manner, saying, “Father, entreat thou God [for me], because my thoughts tell me that Melchisedek was the Son of God.” And he said to him likewise, “It cannot be thus, for the high priest of God was a man. And now, because I had doubts in my mind concerning this, I sent for thee that thou mightest make supplication unto God that He may reveal to thee the matter.” Then, because the old man had confidence in his labours, he spake unto him boldly, saying, “Wait three days, and I will enquire of God, and then I shall be able to inform thee who Melchisedek was.” So the old man departed, and came [again] after three days, and said unto the blessed Archbishop Theophilus, “Melchisedek was a man”; and the Archbishop said unto him, “How knowest thou, father?” And the old man said, “God showed me all the Patriarchs, one by one, and they passed before me one after the other, from Adam to Melchisedek, and an angel said to me, ‘This is Melchisedek’; know then that of a truth the matter is as it hath appeared unto me.” And the old man departed, and he himself proclaimed that Melchisedek was a man, and the blessed Theophilus rejoiced greatly.

Chapter xlij: Of Abba Macarius the Egyptian, the Disciple of Mar Anthony

ABBÂ Macarius used to dwell by himself in the desert, and there was below him another desert wherein many dwelt; and the old man was himself watching the road one day, and saw Satan travelling on it in the form of a man,