N.B. The numbers refer to the headings under which the words or phrases occur. When the same word or phrase may be used in various senses, the several headings under which it, or its synonyms, will be found, according to those meanings, are indicated by the words printed in Italics. These words in Italics are not intended to explain the meaning of the word or phrase to which they are annexed, but only to assist in the required reference.
When a number or word of reference is placed within parentheses, the actual word or phrase will not be found under the heading referred to, although it may sometimes be useful to consult the category thus indicated.
When the word given in the Index is itself the title or heading of a category, the number of reference is printed in blacker type, thus: abode 189.
For Additions to Index, see page 667.
A 1 648
a ⁃ fortiori 33 ⁃ se 10
à ⁃ fond 52 ⁃ outrance, ⁃ plomb 212 ⁃ propos relative 9 apt 23 occasion 134 (expedient 646) ⁃ propos de bottes 10
A.B. 269
ab ⁃ extra 220 ⁃ initio 66 ⁃ intra 221 ⁃ ovo 66 ⁃ ovo usque ad mala 52 ⁃ uno disce omnes 16
abacist 85
aback 235 take ⁃ 508
abacus 85
Abaddon 978, 982
abaft 235
abalienate 783
abandon depart from 293 - a purpose 624 - property 782 - hope 859 - society 893
abandon lively 682 artless 703
abandoned neglected 460 forsaken 893 vicious 945
abase depress 308 degrade 879
abasement disrepute 874 servility 886
abash daunt 860 humiliate 879
abate lessen 36 - a price 813
abattis 717
abattoir 361
abba 166
abbacy 995
abbatial 995
abbatis 717
abbess 996
abbey 1000
abbot 996
abbreviation shortening 201 compendium 596
A B C beginning 66 teaching 537 letters 561
abdal fanatic 984 clergy 996
abdicate - a throne 738 resign 757
abditory 530
abducent 289
abduct take 789 steal 791 repel 289
abecedarian teacher 540 learner 541
abecedary school 542 letter 561
aberrant exceptional 83 deviating 279 divergent 291 erroneous 495
aberration [see aberrant] variation 20a mental - 503
abet 707
abettor 711
abeyance extinction 2 suspense 142 expectation 507 in ⁃ 172
abhor dislike 867 hate 898
abhorrent painful 830
abide remain 110 continue 141, 143 dwell 186 quiet 265 expect 507 not ⁃ 867 ⁃ by assent 488 observe 772 ⁃ with be composed 826
abigail 746
abilities, to the best of one’s ⁃ 686
ability power 157 skill 698
abiogenesis 161
abject vile 874, 940 servile 886 ⁃ fear 862
abjure renounce 607 resign 757
ablation subduction 38 taking 789
ablaze heat 382